NeoGroupe NeoScreener

Call screening management software for radio stations – the Talkshow industry reference Product

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NeoGroupe NeoScreener

NeoScreener is a set of applications that allows Live Talk Shows to handle efficiently the flow of incoming phone calls.

The NeoScreener software suite interfaces to major industry Telephony systems (Telos, AEQ..) and has numerous features to welcome, filter, screen and present calls to the Hosts in the studio. With a history of reliability, NeoScreener has made its way to major Talk Shows, Sports Talk stations and even Television stations with Politics and Open Phones shows, because it really eases daily calls processing.

It has become a must for those users, as NeoScreener eliminates the need for talkback audio systems, makes all information regarding calls instantly visible to anyone involved in the show, and also recognizes the callers based on their caller ID and history. After 10 years, some of our Clients databases hold over 1.5 million calls. A real source of information and a helper to keep in touch with the audience, for some.

Now ease your phones on remotes with neoscreenersmart !

Imagine your Show is on a remote today, simply take a Tablet with NeoScreenerSmart and let your Hosts put calls to Air themselves.

The phones screening part keeps happening at the Station, and everything screeners type appears on the Tablet(s) giving full hands-on access to airing callers, dropping them and even chatting with the show team. It really brings live interaction with your callers.

All the original NeoScreener functionalities have been ported to NeoScreenerSmart. For example, Hosts only see the screened calls, and are not disturbed by the rest of the lines.

Use neoscreenersmart as an elegant phoneset replacement.

Main Features

  • Full lines control (off hook, hold,drop, locked, on-air, busy all lines )
  • Full lines monitoring (ringing, on hold, on air, « screened », call duration, number of calls during session)
  • Chat text conversation between workstations (screener/talent)
  • Designed for touch screens
  • Dual telephony system attachment avaible for redundancy.

Operational Modes

NeoScreener can be used in various situations:

  • Standalone Presenter/ Producer (joint with a NeoWinners database) using automatic identification of known winners: This mode is an assistance to production with a single screen. Usually no call topics are entered by users in this mode. Fits musical radio stations/programs.
  • Talk Shows with a majority of incoming calls:
    • Topic entry upon call receiving, then display on an identical screen for the Talent or on a specialised screen with a clear view of on-air/on hold calls.
    • Calls priorities are avaible to the producer/ operator and can be re-ordered.
    • Call can be screened and called back at a later time or can be cued immediately to the Talent screen.
  • Morning shows with a majority of outgoing calls:
    • Number cueing for the Talent with single-touch callback.
    • «Single touch» features allowing the presenter to put on-air/hold /drop all lines with a single click (touch screen)

Incoming Calls

  • Caller identification (CLID)
  • Automatic rejection of unwanted calls (blacklisted numbers)
  • Automatic transfer of unwanted calls.
  • Rejection / Automatic transfer of hidden calls
  • Automatic presentation from the first ring of calling number, name, city, number of calls, blocked state, number of wins.
  • Single click access to incoming calls history even without picking up the line, while it rings in.
  • Automatic addition of calls to contacts.
  • Single click line pick up and cal l card display.
  • Immediate positioning on call topic.
  • Single click screening and call cueing (or by pressing enter on call card).
  • Single click call card saving without cueing (or by pressing escape).
  • Single click callback from the call card (in case a line dropped). Positioning on the same call card record in the database.
  • Automatic pre -filling of call card with last known data for that number (first name, name, city, zip code,…)
  • Automatic Zip code & city lookup.
  • Possibility to enter call caracteristics (for instance a song request).
  • Call card printing (paper / pdf / email / word / excel).
  • Possibility to change calls priorities on calls already cued / presented to the talent.
  • Display of priorities / subject / name /city on the main screener screen.
  • Option to ignore a specific incoming call number.
  • Automatic character addition / withdrawal to the incoming CLID (to reformat to usually dialed numbers)
  • Possibility to blacklist some incoming calls.

Outgoing Calls

  • Fast dial (manual, recent calls, pre -recorded
  • « hotkeys » numbers) with number format checking.
  • Format available per country.
  • Opportunity to prepare a call without placing (for a later single touch calling).
  • Line selection for dial.
  • Address book of 87 pre -recorded « hotkey » numbers under customizable buttons.

Options and Interfaces

  • Telos Nx12, Nx6, series and VX, UP TO 24 LINES
  • Caller ID on analog lines (Nx series).
  • Client / server version (for DSL or low debit link).
  • Automatic screen / display updates in case software has to be restarted.

Calls History and shortlist

  • Contact card management (Address, «was onair», « blacklisted », smiley, history, call topic,call direction: incoming/outgoing). Columns can be shifted / resized.
  • Filters are available on call type, dates range,first name and keywords contained in topic.
  • Last filter is saved and restored when window is re-opened.
  • Searches are available on the filtered calls list by any of the displayed fields.
  • Single button redial.
  • Export from calls list to Excel and Word
  • Deletion of calls without topic
  • Backups / Reports

Available features if neoscreener is used as a module of neowinners:

  • Wins and preselections recognition
  • Direct access to winner card on CLID
  • Preselected callback
  • Direct winner assignment to a contest


  • Possibility to have a mixed ISDN and analog lines, setup, either connected directly or through a PABX.
  • First line avaible for callback.
  • Number of lines displayed in the interface.
  • Outside line prefix (non visible when numbering)
  • Automatic hang-up of forbidden calls
  • Display the show choice button (Telos 2101)
  • Split show mode (Telos 2×12)
  • Ms delay to insert in between two dialed digits
  • Ms to insert after line take
  • Show « drop » button on every line
  • Rename « VIP » button » in « hold »
  • Dual link to Telos systems with naming of the system on welcome screen.
  • Attachement to Desktop Directors or as a DD (no DD needed)
  • Country and language of the software
  • Display only mode
  • Enforce UPPERCASE
  • Clear comments when line is dropped
  • Large button press dial back last numbers
  • Display phonebook instead of « call » button
  • Automatic lock on ON AIR button press
  • Display the « dump » button
  • « Dump » button also hangs up the active call.
  • Talent screen display settings: Height / font size and call progress bar
  • “Chat” text entry for talent side
  • Send XML to URL when call is On-air
  • New call card notification
  • Locking of the columns in the Talent screen
  • Dynamic enlargement of the font size in both the Talent and the Incoming messages screens (+/- buttons)
  • Callers having been On-air recently (less than X days) can be shown ringing in Red
  • Chat text messages can be time-stamped
  • “Ding on IM reception” can be enabled (for chat text messages)
  • Enlargement of the chat text entry box for more visibility at entry time.

Additional information
